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EggRider C1 Colour DisplayLink


"EggRider C1 display & remote buttons"

Short press definitionsLink

Power press to turn on or off

Up increase the assist level

Down decrease the assist level

M operates dynamic menu allowing to toggle between different information: current max, power max, range, average efficiency, battery, trip and rider max (if available)

Walk Assist activates Walk Assist which helps the motor push the bike while walking

Long press and combinations definitionsLink

Down for 3 seconds to activate headlight, keep holding to toggle display luminosity

Down continuously to adjust brightness, cycling through Auto, High, Low

Up for 3 seconds to toggle parameter shown in the arch graph. Keep holding to cycle through available parameters: power, voltage, battery, speed and rider if available

M for 3 seconds to see second screen

Press M until you return to the dashboard to toggle Road/OffRoad modes

Up for 3 seconds to toggle parameter, shown in the arch graph. Keep holding to cycle through available parameters: power, voltage, battery, speed and rider if available

Up+Power when the display is OFF, press until display turns ON to start in Update firmware mode

M+Power when the display is OFF, press until the display turns ON to load default factory settings. This resets only the display settings. Bafang also stores settings in the controller, those will still remain

With second screen on, press Up to increase assist level

With second screen on, press Down to decrease assist level

With second screen on, hold Down for 3 seconds to reset trip

With second screen on, hold Up for 3 seconds to change selected battery, keep repeating until the desired battery profile is shown

Save settings

Changes made to the dynamic menu and selected parameters in the arc graph on the main menu are not saved. Consequently, upon powering off your Eggrider, these settings will revert to default values

However, adjustments to the battery profile, mode selection, assist levels, odometer, and trip data are retained. To save it, please shut down the EggRider from Power button. If the power supply is cut before pressing the Power button, the data is not saved into the permanent memory.

EggRider C1 display screensLink

The EggRider C1 display offers a streamlined, one-screen solution, allowing you to seamlessly navigate between different pieces of information on the same screen with just one click of M button.


With EggRider C1, only the mainscreen layout V3 is available; other layouts are not supported.

Main screen contentLink

"EggRider C1 main screen"

  • Battery % - Battery percentage
  • Time - Showing time of the day
  • Dynamic menu - Shows different parameters by pressing M (in the example "current" chosen)
  • Connection status - The mobile app is connected
  • Riding profile - Chosen riding profile is indicated by colour theme. Blue colour theme indicates Road/Eco where as red indicates OffRoad/Sport
  • Light - The headlight is switched on
  • Lock - The bike is locked
  • Assist Level - The assist level that the motor provides
  • Distance graph - Travel distance from the ride starts to EggRider is shut. By default, the animation will be displayed (because we are fun!). Values are shown after riding your bike 1km (equivalent of 0.6mi)

Second screen layoutsLink

Trip ODO Motor
"EggRider C1 ride stats" "EggRider C1 odo stats"  "EggRider C1 motor stats"
Battery Rider* Software
"EggRider C1 battery stats" "EggRider C1 rider stats" "EggRider C1 software information"

Second screen contentLink


Shows trip data accumulated since the last reset. The trip can be reset manually or automatically at startup, a setting adjustable through display settings.


If the Reset trip -> At start-up, trip data will be reset only after the bike starts moving. This is to allow downloading the past trip data via the mobile app.

  • Moving time - The time when speed > 0 value in hours, minutes, seconds
  • Distance - Travelled distance for the current trip
  • Efficiency - Efficiency since the last restart, lower value gives longer range
  • Avg Speed - Average speed
  • Battery used - Estimation of the full battery capacity, which depends heavily on current accuracy. Shown after a certain time or distance has been traveled.


It shows life time trip data. It can be treated as the accumulated trip data.

  • Moving time - The total duration during which the bike was moving (speed > 0), displayed in hours, minutes, and seconds
  • Distance - Total travelled distance
  • Efficiency Average efficiency calculated based on the accumulated trip data so far
  • Avg Speed - Average speed calculated based on the accumulated values so far
  • Battery used - Full battery capacity estimation, takes 10+ trips into an account


  • Current - The electric current being used by the motor, measured in amperes (A)
  • Power - The power output of the motor, measured in watts (W)
  • RPM - Pedaling cadence or the motor's RPM if available
  • Temp Cont - Controller temperature if available
  • Temp Mot - Motor temperature if available


Temperature values will only be displayed if the motor or controller provides this information. If the information is unavailable, the values will be shown as 'Zero'.


With EggRider displays, you can set up 3 different battery profiles. The superscripted number displayed indicates which profile you are currently using, and the data shown below is related to that profile.

  • Voltage - Voltage
  • SOC% - The percentage of battery capacity that is currently available
  • Remaining - The remaining energy in the battery, measured in ampere-hours (Ah)
  • Cycles - The number of battery cycles, estimating how many times the battery has been fully charged. This calculation is based on the declared capacity of the battery.
  • Resistance - Battery series resistance, measured in milliohms (mΩ), calculated over the past hour or so. Lower values indicate a healthier battery with better performance, while higher values may suggest wear or inefficiency


* This screen is only visible if bike has a torque.

  • Power - Human power being applied to the bike's pedals or crankset
  • Cadence - The speed at which a cyclist is pedaling
  • Torque - The rotational force applied to the pedals by the rider
  • Workout - The cumulative or total energy expended over a period of time, calculated by summing up all the instantaneous powers
  • Calories - Calories spent so far


  • MAC - EggRider device ID
  • Version - Firmware version
  • Build - Firmware build number
  • ADC Voltage - Display voltage, the electrical voltage powering the display. If the voltage is too low or fluctuates significantly, it may indicate issues with the power supply or the display’s performance
  • Disp Temp - Display temperature

Last update: August 23, 2024