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EggRider V2 DisplayLink


"EggRider V2 display buttons"

Short press definitionsLink

Power short press to turn on or off

Up increase the assist level

Down decrease the assist level

using layout v1/v2 toggles Road/OffRoad modes
using layout v3 on main screen - cycles through dynamic menu
using layout v3 on second screen - cycles through statistics

Long press and combinations definitionsLink

Down for 3 seconds to activate headlight

Down continuously to adjust brightness, cycling through Auto, High, Low

Up for 3 seconds to activate Walk Assist which helps the motor push the bike while walking

Up+Power when the display is OFF, hold until display turns ON to start in update firmware mode

using layout v1/v2, press M for 3 seconds to see second screen (trip data)
using layout v3, press M until the second screen shows to cycle through statistics
using layout v3, press M until you return to the dashboard to toggle Road/OffRoad modes

M+Power when the display is OFF, press until the display turns ON to load default factory settings. This resets only the display settings. Bafang also stores settings in the controller, those will still remain

The following combinations are available from firmware version v2.6.49

With second screen on, press Down for 3 seconds to reset trip
With second screen on, press Up for 3 seconds to change selected battery

Save settings

Settings, mode, levels, odometer and trip data are saved when the system is shut down from Power button. If the power supply is cut before pressing the Power button, the data is not saved into the permanent memory.

EggRider V2 display screensLink

EggRider display offers different screen layouts: v1, v2, or v3. See display settings how to change the layout.

Screens layout v1/v2Link

Main screen layout v1 Main screen layout v2 Second screen Update screen
"EggRider display main screen layout v1" "EggRider display main screen layout v2" "EggRider display second screen" "EggRider display udate screen"

Screens layout v3Link

Main screen PAS change Trip data Bike data
"EggRider display main screen layout v3" "EggRider v3 PAS change "EggRider display trip data V3 layout" "EggRider display bike data V3 layout"

Main screen contentLink

The layout v1 is used as an example to showcase all possible icons on the screen. Although the information is positioned differently, the basic icons remain consistent across layouts. See the descriptions below for more.

"EggRider v2 display main screen features"

  • Battery % - Battery percentage
  • Voltage - The battery voltage
  • Connection status - The mobile app is connected
  • Riding profile - It can be Road/OffRoad or Eco/Sport based on the labels selected
  • Speed - Speed in miles per hour (mph) or kilometers per hour (kph)
  • Error (Exx) - Shows when an error is detected (example E03 - brake on)
  • Range (Rxx) - Indicates the remaining range in km/miles, where XX represents the distance. If there is an error, the range is not shown
  • Light - The headlight is switched on
  • Lock - The bike is locked. In layout v3, the screen displays "Locked" at the top & bottom
  • Assist Level - The assist level the motor provides
  • Secondary Unit - It can be Power (W), Current(A), or Efficiency (watt per distance unit)
  • Time - Time of the day
  • Distance - Current trip distance

Second screen contentLink

Layout V1 & V2Link


Shows trip data accumulated since the last reset. The trip can be reset manually or automatically at startup, a setting adjustable through display settings.


If the Reset trip -> At start-up, trip data will be reset only after the bike starts moving. This is to allow downloading the past trip data via the mobile app.

  • Wh - Energy used
  • mAh - Capacity used
  • Wh/distance(km/mi) - Efficiency since the last restart, lower value gives longer range
  • SpdAvg - Average speed
  • Km/mi - Travelled distance
  • Time - Moving time, when speed > 0 value in hours, minutes, seconds
  • BmAh - Full battery capacity estimation (dependent heavily on the current accuracy), shows only after certain time/distance
  • SloEff Efficiency of the last 30 minutes of travel


Lifetime stats

  • Total - Total traveled distance in kilometers or miles
  • Wh - Total energy used by the bike, measured in watt-hours
  • mAh - Total capacity used from the battery, measured in milliampere-hours
  • BmAh - Estimated full battery capacity based on the last 10 trips or so
  • R.mOhm - Battery series resistance (calculated in the last hour or so). Lower values indicate a healthier battery with better performance, while higher values may suggest wear or inefficiency
  • BCyc - Battery cycles, estimating how many times the battery has been fully charged, based on its declared capacity
  • Range - Estimated distance remaining until the battery runs out

Layout V3Link

The layout V3 is available with firmware and app version v2.7 and above.
It provides more detailed data compared to the layouts V1 and V2.


Shows trip data accumulated since the last reset. The trip can be reset manually or automatically at startup, a setting adjustable through display settings.


If the Reset trip -> At start-up, trip data will be reset only after the bike starts moving. This is to allow downloading the past trip data via the mobile app.

  • Avg Spd - Average speed
  • Avg Eff - Average efficiency since the last restart, lower value gives longer range
  • Battery used - Estimation of the full battery capacity, which depends heavily on current accuracy. Shown after a certain time or distance has been traveled
  • Run Time - The total duration of the current trip during which the bike was moving (speed > 0) displayed in hours, minutes, and seconds


  • Current - The electric current being used by the motor, measured in amperes (A)
  • Power - The power output of the motor, measured in watts (W)


You can set up 3 battery profiles. The current profile is indicated at the top, and the data below corresponds to that profile.

  • Voltage - Voltage
  • SOC - The percentage of battery capacity that is currently available
  • Remaining - The remaining energy in the battery, measured in ampere-hours (Ah).
  • Cycles - The number of battery cycles, estimating how many times the battery has been fully charged. This calculation is based on the declared capacity of the battery
  • R.mOhm Battery series resistance, measured in milliohms (mΩ), calculated over the past hour or so. Lower values indicate a healthier battery with better performance, while higher values may suggest wear or inefficiency


  • ODO - Odometer, life time trip data
  • Avg Speed - Average speed calculated based on the accumulated trip data so far
  • Avg Eff Average efficiency calculated based on the accumulated trip data so far
  • Wh used - Estimated energy consumption, calculated based on data from 10 or more trips. This reflects the full battery capacity utilization over time
  • Run Time - The total duration during which the bike was moving (speed > 0), displayed in hours, minutes, and seconds


  • Version - Firmware version of the display
  • Build - Firmware build number
  • MAC - EggRider device ID
  • Disp Temp - Temperature of the display in degrees Celsius
  • Disp Vol - The electrical voltage powering the display. If the voltage is too low or fluctuates significantly, it may indicate issues with the power supply or the display’s performance

Last update: August 6, 2024