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ASI - Accelerated Systems Inc settingsLink

Accessible from menu ASI settings

Read - reads the settings stored on the display

Write - writes the modified settings to the display.

Requires EggRider display firmware >= v2.4.83 and ASI firmware controller version >= V5.921

For first time use please ensure to write ASI settings and power off display from Power button.

At each M press on EggRider display, the relative profile settings are written to the controller but they are not permanently saved on the controller.

Required Asi controller configurationLink

  • Flash parameter read access code (address 62) - 0
  • Display Protocol (address 66) - Disabled
  • Assist Mode Source (address 210) - Network Gains

Pinout setup for batteries bellow 60v fully chargedLink

Do not confuse with nominal voltage. A 52v battery fully charged goes to 58.8v

ASI BAC500/800 pin # ASI pin function EggRider pin function
16 Gnd GND
17 Display Rx TxD
18 Display Tx RxD
21 Key out P+
22 Key in Power Lock

Necessary pinout setup for batteries over 60VLink

Please do not connect EggRider to a power source over 60v as it will permanently damage the display.

With ASI controller to go above 60v you MUST connect the EggRider display to the 12v output. This configuration requires an external switch to power on/off the controller.

This setup will loose the functionality to power on/off the controller from EggRider display, but still requires to start the display after the main switch has been powered on.

Start sequence:

  1. Main Switch/key turn/press ON (power the controller)
  2. Press power button on the display (Turns ON EggRider)

Stop sequence:

  1. Press power button on the display (Turns Off EggRider and also save settings/data)
  2. Main Switch/key turn/press OFF (cuts power to controller)

Connection for BAC500, BAC555, BAC800, BAC855Link

Mount a switch between ASI pins # 21 and # 22 or between your battery + pole and ASI pin # 22. Another option is to short circuit the ASI pin # 21 and 22 which will power on the controller automatically when the battery is on.

ASI pin # ASI pin function EggRider pin function Notes
13 +12V (90mA max!) P+
16 Gnd GND
17 Display Rx TxD
18 Display Tx RxD
- - Power lock Keep free
21 Key out - Connect to ext switch
22 Key in - Connect to ext switch

Connection for BAC2000, BAC4000, BAC8000Link

Mount a switch between your battery + pole and ASI pin # 9

You should definitively secure this wire section with a 500mA fuse.

ASI pin # ASI pin function EggRider pin function Notes
16 +12V (50mA max!) P+
14 or 15 Gnd GND
13 Display Rx TxD
3 Display Tx RxD
- - Power lock Keep free
9 Key in - Connect to ext switch
key from batt+

ASI settings definitionsLink


Please use your judgment when adjusting values. Exceeding manufacturer specifications can shorten your bike's lifespan. Before increasing any parameters in ASI settings, test the system in short periods on flat ground to monitor performance and temperature.

Throttle max power (W)Link

Only applies to bikes with throttle. This setting defines the maximum power (in watts) that the motor can deliver when the throttle is fully engaged. It determines how much power the motor can output under full throttle, affecting acceleration and overall performance.

PAS max power (W)Link

This parameter specifies the maximum power (in watts) the motor will use during Pedal Assist System (PAS) operation.Higher values provide stronger assistance while pedaling, enhancing acceleration and climbing ability. Lower values conserve battery and provide a more moderate assist.

Motor phase current (A)Link

Motor Phase Current refers to the amount of current (in amps) flowing through each phase of the motor. This setting influences the motor's torque and efficiency. Higher current settings typically increase torque but may also affect battery consumption and heat generation.

Regen ratio (%)Link

The Regen Ratio represents the percentage of energy that is recovered and fed back into the battery during regenerative braking. A higher percentage means more energy is recuperated, improving overall efficiency.

Throttle max speedLink

Throttle Max Speed indicates the highest speed that the bike can reach when the throttle is fully applied. This setting limits the maximum speed achievable through throttle control.

Pas max speedLink

This setting determines the maximum speed (in miles per hour, for example) that the Pedal Assist System (PAS) will provide. It sets an upper limit regardless of the PAS level selected.

Battery current limit (%)Link

The battery current limit determines the maximum current that can be drawn from the battery. However increasing the battery current limit (e.g.100%-120%) may lead to faster and more robust torque assistance.

Field weakening (Max 50%)Link

Field Weakening is a technique used to extend the maximum speed of the motor beyond its normal limits. The "Max 50%" indicates the maximum allowable weakening of the magnetic field, which can increase the motor’s speed but may reduce efficiency.

Last update: July 19, 2024